twumpy thwumpy

Thumbnail of the map 'twumpy thwumpy'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author matta111
Tags author:matta111 dda unrated
Created 2009-09-20
Last Modified 2009-09-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description dda

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the golden 1' Thumbnail of the map 'enimiyz' Thumbnail of the map 'the golden 2' Thumbnail of the map 'swirly' Thumbnail of the map 'golden' Thumbnail of the map 'laser hellhole'
the golden 1 enimiyz the golden 2 swirly golden laser hellhole


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it was

quite cool but wat makes a gd dda is close calls.


no offence, but you're kinda like the Ed Wood of mapmaking.



A dda needs more varied propulsion than just launchpads and the thwumps were pretty useless. And yeah, no more than 2 maps on the hot maps page.

only 2 maps on the hot page, please