
Thumbnail of the map 'City'

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Author Hornblower
Tags author:hornblower city rated
Created 2009-09-18
Last Modified 2009-09-18
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description Dont comment on my map if you are shit at mapping.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gastly' Thumbnail of the map 'My First Map!'
Gastly My First Map!


Pages: (4) [ 1 ] 2 3 4


this is an auto-fave.


Y do I always miss out the exciting times.

that lasted long lol

Oh my god.

Nice map, very cool for speedrunning and AGD'ing.
AGD, 4.
Demo Data
Take it to your own maps.

NUMA Admin

I'm vegetarian and teetotal. Yeah. It's cool.


thats hard^^
hmm but wine is not just some sort of is ..hmm
a firework xD^^ explotion upon the taste buds xD


I'm teetotal, so any talk on wine is out :P
Also, my knowledge of poetry is quite limited, I'm afraid :(


somebody talk with me about wine or poets??^^

Haha yes, 2 years on a site where you hate everybody (and the feeling is mutual) is a waste of time.


Well, I'm bored now. This is a waste of time.


Rich [].
You want to look for definitions 18a and 18b.

Grown some balls?

Bahaha! I am assuming this is coming from somebody prepubescent.

It's rich?



Although I don't want people I don't know (or like) clogging up my space.

That's rich.
I'm amused that you think you're actually being /clever/. In fact, I'm amazed that you seem to regard yourself as a clever person at all, because I can tell you for a fact, you're the only person here who does.

Anytime, you sarcastic little prick.
hmm schiller ,goethe, schopenhauer xD this are the big german poets xD but i guess ull dont know them...^^

You know, it feels like sometimes, you actually want people to like you. And then you just go back to your normal self of being a twat. Well done.

Oh yes.

I would so love to add you lot on facebook or something so I could argue without all the interruptions. Although I don't want people I don't know (or like) clogging up my space.


GHM u must decide ...if u eat me u have to take white wine
if u eat eg snoop dog u have to take red wine o:O actually quite easy
but snoop dog is expensive to eat


I am also a poet! I have studied the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Wilfred Owen, Heaney, and other greats. Unfortunately, I can't be bothered to think of some witty line to finish it.


i guess hes realy dead o.O^^

yes yes

i know
im a poet and thinker xD^^
the hearts of the women are melting away when im speaking^^
We can have a civil conversation. :P

That is, before I eat your skin with a nice Chianti.

no comment from

hornblower in awhile....
white wine fits to fish and shellfish
actually to all seafood
well, all of those problems are gone now, so I guess it was just a really tough time for me. *shrug*


is also great
hungarian redwine is an art for the tongue


Don't know what to say to that maxson. When I was a kid, I was quite the odd one out because of my auburn hair (which is sexy, so I'm told) but I wasn't depressed. I just lost myself in music, it's an escape for me.


at the time, I had no friends and had untreated depression and ocd. It's not bullshit :/


White wine for - White meat
Red wine for - Red meat.

People need to learn English table manners. NEVER EAT CHICKEN WITH FISH.

Yes aldaric or andalus or tom or whatever. shut up.

lol gtm

I'm not suicidal anymore, so don't worry about me ;D

Also, yes we should. Send me some tiles.

@maxson again

Bullshit. Sorry, but I don't get this, unless you're a serious loner, or have serious emotional issues, I don't think you'd attempt to commit suicide. Hell, if my girl died, I'd go with her. Otherwise, that's a massive no-go zone for me.


Maxson you poor thing. We should collab.

It depends.

If I'm having steak or something, red wine goes better with it. If it's like New Year's or something where I'm not having anything to eat, white wine is better imo.


Even although it is very quiet. But I've been sweating it today. Well, before I broke my amp.

ohh yea wine

white or red one??
i like the white one more its...hmm in germany we say "süffiger"^^
and while there's no way to say for sure, I think he's faking it :x