Internal Cumbustion

Thumbnail of the map 'Internal Cumbustion'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fireburnsfree
Tags action author:fireburnsfree fun num-num playable rated yum-yum
Created 2009-09-18
Last Modified 2009-09-18
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Its like an your pants.
Tiles by Aldaric
Mega-playtest by the God you all know as Viil.
AND Dedicated to the almighty mini-map maker Geej15 []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Oh no not me!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Red is a bulls least favorite color' Thumbnail of the map 'Stealing the angle' Thumbnail of the map 'The Journey has begun.' Thumbnail of the map 'External Affairs' Thumbnail of the map 'Looking for directions'
Oh no not me!!!! Red is a bulls least favorite color Stealing the angle The Journey has begun. External Affairs Looking for directions


Pages: (0)

rather hard

but interesting to play. 4

thanks for commenting on my last map.

Teetotal [].
Means I don't drink alcohol in any form.
However that switch near the top-right is a bitch to get, and the aesthetics didn't really appeal either. 3/5

blackson is leet
It was good.

Guess what?

Guess what's underwear :D
That would be hilarious if spoilers worked here.

About the map: I think blackson said it.


shed flip shit


If my mom new all the things I do...


I love c4 in my pants......keeps me warm in the winter XD
stick grenades or c4 in my pants... it was just a guess... and mommy would flip xD

lol yea

....*looks away*
How did you take explosions in pants, to mean jizzing in your pants. What would your mommy say?


faved for later
The switch layout seemed to be a little incoherent and un-inspired. The gold near the bounceblock seems impossible to get.

The tiles and enemies were a little awkward. :/
Demo Data

thanks aldaric

couldnt have done it with out you....cause of the tiles and all lol.


This one once said that his friends like it when his valcano explodes.



I like this.


Playtested by whom, exactly?

dis map R yummy

4 srs... soopur yumie