Looking Directly at the Sun

Thumbnail of the map 'Looking Directly at the Sun'

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Author e3ee3e33e
Tags author:e3ee3e33e race unrated
Created 2009-09-13
Last Modified 2009-09-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description abstract race. Don't rate down because of bad flow (in some parts ><) this is one of my first races attempted.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ima rip out your eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'Insense' Thumbnail of the map '/\/\0|_|/\/5+a' Thumbnail of the map 'Velocity' Thumbnail of the map 'Non-finish' Thumbnail of the map 'Muck Diving'
ima rip out your eyes Insense /\/\0|_|/\/5+a Velocity Non-finish Muck Diving


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Cheated but an AGD

Fun to cheat, and im sure this is improvable
Demo Data

the actual race was horrendous, so I put my own spin on things, although I messed up the lower right room
Demo Data


i know it was supposed to be abstract,
but still the flow could have been better at parts... like when you come back up where you start.
i also have the feeling you could have made the aesthetics really nice on this... but it isn't great at the moment.
the route was verry interesting though...
kepe trying, i have the feeling you could be one of the better race makers on numa :D just practice xD
3.5down. :)
Pretty fun race, the flow wasn't great at some parts but it didn't matter much. It was quite fun working out the flow though.
Demo Data


not the best abstract race .. but pretty solid :)
would you mind checking out mine?

screwed the demo up in two places.
Demo Data