Comments on "Scream, at the top of your lungs!"

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of the death of my account. nDeavour no longer works. Which means if I ever get a featured map it will never show. ;_;
full view less so. still, impressive; 4/5

I knew it

I was thinking back and forth, im pretty sure the one with the strange bloodstained avatar doesn't rate.


Sniping maps just because they're blocking a previously submitted map from the top. Very mature. You kids kill me.

I haven't rated since january 24th or 25th


unbelievable tileset looks great in the thumbnail

(Inspired has internal conflict over posting this comment)
Yes, no, yes, no, yes.

No, you dont get it

I am in the reminiscent mood, thinking back to the days of BE_nSPIRED...

-_- [] well it has been 20 days since your last map, you shouldn't be that surprised

whoa, very accurate, nice work
i just got my first rated map yesterday.. felt sooooo good AND it was 5/5... i was SO PUMPED
Ahhh. It is sweet.