
Thumbnail of the map 'Pistons'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author oiram42o
Tags author:oiram42o fun medium playable thwumps unrated
Created 2009-08-14
Last Modified 2009-08-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Watch out for the thwumps

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'MariosFirstLevel' Thumbnail of the map 'Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Door' Thumbnail of the map 'Fast like a bullet' Thumbnail of the map 'Watch Out' Thumbnail of the map 'A simple twist of fate'
MariosFirstLevel Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Door Fast like a bullet Watch Out A simple twist of fate


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Refering to the two

Both of them are meant to be easy. I like the first one because of its simple aesthetics. The second I like because of its simple gameplay, which i personally found enjoyable.


Thanks for the advice, I do tend to like more complicated maps but I guess I have the tendency to over complicate them.

Alecslo, I had a blast with Piston in a box (, but the other 2 maps you suggested were so simple I beat them on my first try, which to me is extremely boring. I'm not criticizing your decision to post them as suggestions, but what exactly do you find particularly good about them?

ugh, double post

sorry 'bout that


I dunno about some of the maps that alecslo provided...
Point is, there are tons of differing opinions on NUMA. Follow the advice that you like, make maps that you like, and don't be overly swayed by any one comment. Including my own :)


I dunno about some of the maps that alecslo provided...
Point is, there are tons of differing opinions on NUMA. Follow the advice that you like, make maps that you like, and don't be overly swayed by any one comment. Including my own :)


here are some tips to improve your mapmaking. You have probably noticed that very few people look at your maps. Here is some simple advice.
1. Be minimalistic, the less the better.
2. Be clever with some aesthetic design. Good maps look good.
3. Playtest, if you enjoy it, others should too

Here are some good maps

Here is a good guide
(at the bottom)