
Thumbnail of the map 'Salamander'

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Author H-Maniac86
Tags author:h-maniac86 easy fun medium playable simple unrated
Created 2009-08-12
Last Modified 2009-08-12
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My First Creation, not too great, i just want some feed back. Thanks.


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Thanks for the comment, but i never gave you advice that i know of o_O

But if you'd like my advice, i agree with all of furry_ant's comments.

Welcome to NUMA :)

Damian82x, a 4 rating is way too generous. My rating was too genorous as well.

I mean ATOB gets 4's most of the time. Surely, this doesn't equal in any way an ATOB map.

But it is good for a first anyway.

got through the top, but the rest of the demo is noobish
Demo Data


I really enjoyed this level, before it goes to the mines on the top...
Demo Data

Too slow

i didnt like the lazer being where it was

i didnt like the trap door cos it was realy hard to get past the mines, but the rest was good for a first
Demo Data


Pretty good for a first.

It's good that you didn't just spam loads of objects like most people when they submit their first map.

Just work on the tileset a bit more and keep on improving.

I will give it a 3.

And have a good time here.
