The untitled map

Thumbnail of the map 'The untitled map'

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Author _Green_Fruit_
Tags author:_green_fruit_ awesome playable superduper unrated
Created 2009-08-10
Last Modified 2009-08-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i still dont really get how to make maps this is my 4th.......

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Killer Food Drive Through' Thumbnail of the map 'XDHDGJGHDJYTDEJUYTD IM COOL' Thumbnail of the map 'Dare (cell phone)'
Killer Food Drive Through XDHDGJGHDJYTDEJUYTD IM COOL Dare (cell phone)


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greeny wassup its a ok map yay ur gettin better
but either way, this is close to being a pretty decent puzzle map, with the only problem being that I'm not entirely sure it's possible... considering some of your previous maps weren't either, i'm pretty sure it's not. However, if you say, add a trap door between the top-most launchpad and those tiles that stick out, or somewhere in that general area, then I think you have a map here. because i can do everything except get back over to unlock the finish, so i think you need something there. You could just put the key to activate the trap door behind one of the pieces of gold near the key to unlock the locked door or something like that... again, just suggestions, but i want this map to be possible. Mind you, it still wouldn't be great, i would probably give it a 3, but yeah...

pleassseeee comment
