abandoned base vol.1

Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base vol.1'

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Author AmonG0D
Tags author:among0d incomplete rated
Created 2005-11-08
by 15 people.
Map Data

upgrade: now access panel invisible


type: N Art
skill: none
author: AmonG0D aka Selic
\"You have come to commander on a urgent call.
-Marine, you have received the important task from the heads. You have chosen, because you best of the best. Do not lose this mission.
-What\'s happened? - you ask.
-Marine, you remember abandoned base?
... You remembered. Remembered, how all machins suddenly began to attack people because of infection virus. Remembered, how you ran in darkness under a blinking of emergency lamps. Remembered agonal shouts of people. Remembered a rumble of an electricity which destroyed all. Remembered that inhuman FEAR. That painful shock after on you has passed a beam of the laser. You then miracle have survived...
-Why you are silent? - has interrupted your memoirs commander.
-So is exact!
The beacon from this base started to issue signals SOS. There there were people. You should rescue them. Them and artifact, taking place in laboratories. Around the entrance will to a scanning. Outside base high gravitation - you can\'t jump. And now go on a warehouse. You will take to base.
-Yes, sir!

You faced to an entrance. Who knows, that there inside...\"
rus2eng by PROMT XT

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Russian jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base v.3' Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base v.4' Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base v.2' Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base v.5' Thumbnail of the map 'abandoned base v.6'
Russian jumper abandoned base v.3 abandoned base v.4 abandoned base v.2 abandoned base v.5 abandoned base v.6


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I gave it a 5

and it boosted it up to a 4. :D


this is N art


A bit too easy...