
Thumbnail of the map 'Temptation'

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Author ShadowUT0625
Tags author:shadowut0625 fun n ninja playable tricky unrated
Created 2009-07-31
Last Modified 2009-07-31
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first level for N. I downloaded it about 6 months ago, and I couldn't figure it out untill now.

(By the way, whenever I try it, I have to click in order to make it go, is this normal, or do I have to change something in order to make it normal?)


Pages: (0)

fireburns: Thanks.

ZTHING: Yes, designed to (play the level to find out)


A bit too much gold don't you think? But what can I say, I did the same thing with my first map. Overall.......3/5

anytime bud

and welcome to numa!

Oh, thanks.
on to make it work properly