
Thumbnail of the map '#1'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-11-06
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description In dedication to the #1 author, my main man, he needs no introduction, but will get one anyway, the one, the only, I'm getting bored of typing, wellsj! I figured the dedication to a great author had to be a great map, so I spent a good 3.5 or 4 hours on this puppy. It's really fun, and really addicting! If there are any, the first all gold demo will most likely get a dedication, although I don't really know how orthodox it is to give a dedication on a dedication, but whatever, we'll see...
Rate, comment, post demos, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hollow' Thumbnail of the map 'Hydrosyntocantationariamystocreationalismacy' Thumbnail of the map 'Potential' Thumbnail of the map 'Shatter' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountains come out of the sky, AND THEY STAND THERE!' Thumbnail of the map 'Willow'
Hollow Hydrosyntocantationariamystocreationalismacy Potential Shatter Mountains come out of the sky, AND THEY STAND THERE! Willow


Pages: (0)

Thank you

He's a very persisent little dung beetle

I got crafty banned.
There you have it.


I meant the style, I've tried *very* hard to make that *style*. What with the cramped-ness and the crazy holes in the rock and stuff like that...I'm working on one now that will be my next map, probably in a few weeks here, I won't be around for a least not submitting maps. Not with all the n00bs, craftymerchant friggin' reincarnating himself, etc.


That enemy placement is killer! (literally :-( )


I didn't include the idea thinking up part..
but be reminded that's a much different style than this. If I were to even *try* to make something in that style I could spent hours on end before_getting_anywhere.


Sorry to butt in and be totally irrevelant but just to let you know, 3.5 to 4 hours is _nothing_.
Either way, great map.


Not intended to be a plug or show off in any way, but I spent ~6 hours on my ded to wells :P


but really fun!


i love the enemy placement

way to go man

5. thanks a lot! demo coming up

I know I know

I'm sorry I'm a loose cannon, I just don't understand why people can be so small as to give this map, which *clearly* took a lot of effort such a cold rating. And aside from that, they aren't even man enough to stand up and say *why* they gave it that rating. And you know why? There's no *reason* *why*, they just don't like me or something. It's just that the rating system is way too abused these days, whatever, I should just give it up...Oh well...If I could, I'd just delete my first comment, what's wrong with me, jeez!
~I'm sorry guys~


You need to chill out, it's just one rating. There will always be snipers. You should instead measure your success in the enjoyment of the other players, that is why you post levels isn't it?

My bad

It's omgwtfbbq*


THE FIRST VOTE THIS GOT WAS A FUCKING 1.5 WTFOMGBBQ!!!! I'M SO PISSED! Good lord please in thy holy name strike whoever this unwanted sniper may be with your righteous thunderbolt so that he may be cast off into eternal damnation!