Where's the Track? 4
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Tags | author:avatar_fanatic door door-eerie dooreerie eerie rated trapdoor |
Created | 2009-07-14 |
Last Modified | 2009-08-08 |
Rating |
4 by 6 people.
Map Data | |
Description | Map #34
I can't believe I actually did this. Well, here it is: the fourth of my Where's the Track series. It takes up the entire screen. You probably noticed that though. Okay, now I'm gonna give you some tips: 1) The beginning throws you right into the action. You're gonna want to go left, up, right, then down before the thwumps hit you. 2) BE PATIENT! Trust me, you do not want to speed through this map. Wait until the thwumps pass you to move. 3) It's not really a tip, but just so you know, while I was play-testing this to make sure it works, the right side of the screen made me want to kill myself. I will not judge you if you use the Enter key in Ned. (Not that I would know if you did.) Anyway, good luck and I'm sorry for bringing this into your lives. XP Click this link for the Where's the Track? Series [nmaps.net]. |
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too late, you already knew! lol
The tip about waiting was helpful, but having to wait broke the flow of the map. A few thwumps are okay, but 10 was too much imho. Other than that, it was a good map.
for bringing this into my life, lol. This might have been awesome had it not been for the long load and lag. Ah well...
Did you get my email?
Did you get my email?
Door eeries are abuot the exploration
the inclusion of thwumps ruins it.
I quite liked this map actually. I don't usually use enemies in my dooreeries as you can see if you look at them but I thought they worked quite well with this one. It lacked flow at some points but otherwise very good.
PS Ded if you can work out which dooreerie my avatar comes from
PS Ded if you can work out which dooreerie my avatar comes from
door eeries to! =D