my first map

Thumbnail of the map 'my first map'

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Author looser333
Tags art author:looser333 dda fun mines playable rated
Created 2009-07-08
Last Modified 2009-07-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description It's my first map


Pages: (0)

first level

for a first level tht is really gd but i agree with the others look at other people's maps trust me it helps a lot.


ohh your first map :) i ve got a tipp for you...before making your first map whatch out maps from other autors and learn :]


Thanks for these comments. I have dealt (is that the right word? I don't know I'm german) with the categories of N-maps.
The forum brings to me nothing because it's in english. is there a German forum, too ?

Oh yeah!

Nice name.


the unusually high rating is because this is your first map. So after like the first 3 we'll get pretty mean on you.... especially Meatpuppet.


you made the right catagory for your map.... others would have called this obviously dda, an "action" map... gratz on that front... But you do spam the mines, but that seems to be mostly artwork so.... 4/5?

as a new map maker

I highly suggest checking out this site []
Can you? Be much easier to communicate if you can! :)