25-0 Ron Howard was a great man

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Author kablamo_boom
Tags author:kablamo_boom mappack unrated
Created 2009-07-03
Last Modified 2009-07-03
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
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Description why he invented scientology, the most flawless, smartest, best, least-retarded religion ever!

Other maps by this author

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22-4 Jump Grid Remix 24-0 Faktory Balls 24-1 ALLSYMETRICALMAPSAREGAYEXCEPTFORTHI 24-2 Strokes of one 24-3 Otherlode 24-4 Torched!


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I hope you realize that somewhere, someone wearing a Guy Fawkes mask just opened a can of cyber-whoop ass with your name on it.
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i've never seen bounceblocks used to break through the one-ways.
L. Ron Hubbard is the science fiction author who realized you could turn peoples startlingly irrational belief systems into massive profits. Both smart guys but not to be mixed up.


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