Bitnick Rhapsody

Thumbnail of the map 'Bitnick Rhapsody'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author EdoI
Tags author:edoi fun medium moa-reject playable puzzle rated
Created 2009-06-25
Last Modified 2009-09-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A puzzle-esque MotA reject.
I've done some code editing, you can watch the demo I provided if you fail.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One above minus one below' Thumbnail of the map 'Pirate of the Forest' Thumbnail of the map 'Walking on Shards of Glass' Thumbnail of the map 'Repetitititititive who?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Snakes like potato' Thumbnail of the map 'These caps look good when worn by particular people'
One above minus one below Pirate of the Forest Walking on Shards of Glass Repetitititititive who?! Snakes like potato These caps look good when worn by particular people


Pages: (0)

OH, 3.5^/5

This map is quite the weird one. I liked how the laser pushed you but not in a very pressurized way.


It was alright, but more a matter of trial and error.
Demo Data

Demo Data