quick jump!

Thumbnail of the map 'quick jump!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spooman
Tags action author:spooman playable rated
Created 2005-11-03
Last Modified 2005-11-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description FOR NOOBS. please try at least once. leave comments and rate. Enjoy!

you have to JUMP on the launchpads for them to work.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rugby' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Walk' Thumbnail of the map 'Triple Threat' Thumbnail of the map 'Evil Person Eater Thingy!!' Thumbnail of the map 'N Mania!!' Thumbnail of the map 'NOT A COMPLETE MAP!'
Rugby Hard Walk Triple Threat Evil Person Eater Thingy!! N Mania!! NOT A COMPLETE MAP!


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It's not terrible but its not great either, I like the simplicity of the level design.


The demos you guys posted dont work, and i just figured out how easy it is let me change the description...

strangly, i like it

vamps right you dont, but, kind of fun!


Demo Data


You do realise you don't have to open all doors to do this, right?
Demo Data