mud face

Thumbnail of the map 'mud face'

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Author sneekfeet
Tags author:sneekfeet face mud nreality rated
Created 2009-06-22
Last Modified 2009-06-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I made the tiles with a tile bot and then the slightest bit of editing. it was so much fun.

nreality needed.

Other maps by this author

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bang tulip homage to pears freudian vortex shuffle shuffle cherry mechablast chase me


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what I meant was, originally what I did was I got a tile drone that was set on seeker. then, I ran around and made it make my tiles. then I clicked edit, made some small edits, put in objects. fin.

i found a spot

where the drones won't kill you.

don't remove the spot or this map will be too hard.
Demo Data
not tile drones/bots :p


the drones make it really cramped in the middle, especially when the gauss are firing at you. outside is just weird. i don't see the point of all those floorguards. pretty fun though. the centre section is fun, but it'd be much better imo if you substituted the gauss for a few more mines.