
Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author nnds
Tags action author:nnds hard nreality puzzel rated trn1
Created 2009-06-18
Last Modified 2009-06-18
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Action/Puzzel/Nreality Map

I use:

  • A Bounce Block mod
  • A Rocket mod
  • A Ninja mod
  • A Laserdrone mod

This is my next (5.) contribution for the
... THE REAL N ...
-- Nreality Cup --
.. First Edition ..

You need nreality to play this level; you can dowload it here: []

by Magista Polo


About the Cup:

I,Chrise and schaaaf decided to make a Nreality event... in honor of Unreality and of his power.

The event has many parts... in every part you must follow some rules. At the end of every part I and schaaaf will decide the winner.
Every map, that you will produce, will go in one mappack (called "The Real N").

First Part. OPEN!
We will decide the winners on 20 June 2009.
Rules: The Ninja MUST FLY... (adding this tag at the end of the map |||||maxjumpcount,99999 )
You can use also all Nreality mods, without special drones (..... ^^)

The winner can decide a special rule of the second part.
You must add this tag sumbitting the map on NUMA trn1 or we can't see and play your map)

(Sorry my english is not so good... so if you can find the grammar error, I won't be angry) the same for me ^^
Have fun and start to work.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Art of Motion' Thumbnail of the map 'No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather' Thumbnail of the map 'Dracula and friends II' Thumbnail of the map 'Strong breeze' Thumbnail of the map 'Any color but blue' Thumbnail of the map 'My previous life'
Art of Motion No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather Dracula and friends II Strong breeze Any color but blue My previous life


Pages: (0)

ich bin ein Berliner ^^ wie schon John F. Kennedy sagte

you're German, aren't you? cause you got a Dieter Nuhr saying in your profile.



just a brainstormingmap ^^


IMO the lasers didnt do much and the rockets could had been mines. ive seen a LOT better Nreality maps. 2.5 down

well, I don't like all the rockets (which could have been substituted for mines {But that's just personel preferance}) and I really don't know what to make of this map. 3.5/5



still beatable
Demo Data