Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One

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Author Tereglith
Tags action author:tereglith drones fun hard mines unrated
Created 2009-06-17
Last Modified 2009-06-18
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You beam aboard the Borg cube from the starship Voyager, surrounded by strange technology and dangerous drones. After sneaking inside a side passage and opening the door to the main chamber, you jump a wide chasm (common in Borg vessels) and end up in a rabit-warren maze of chambers. You dodge drones, which adapt and become harder to avoid the longer you are in contact with them, and shoot out power conduits and three seperate chambers. Finally, you are in the trans-warp coil cavern, protected by a Borg phaser turret. You dodge explosives and manage to get up to the transwarp coil, remove it, and go all the way back to your starting balcony where you beam back to the Voyager.

I actually made this level too difficult for myself at the moment (which happens to be at night, which could be why my N skills aren't up to snuff), and I cant get past the second conduit chamber. If any of my randomly placed mines makes the level impossible, please comment on it and I'll fix it and update.

"Welcome home, Seven."

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the fall was pretty slowed down
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