super map!

Thumbnail of the map 'super map!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author zong
Tags author:zong fun rated
Created 2009-05-22
Last Modified 2009-05-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description fun and hard

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'have fun 2   -_-' Thumbnail of the map 'have fune 3!       -_-' Thumbnail of the map 'ninja attack' Thumbnail of the map 'The Map!' Thumbnail of the map 'Have fun 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Bad boy!'
have fun 2 -_- have fune 3! -_- ninja attack The Map! Have fun 4 Bad boy!


Pages: (0)

so I'm not expecting greatness. WordBlamCreator and ijehrhart seem to forget that they've made maps like this.
This map isn't too great: It isn't asthetically pleasing, the enemies could have been placed better, it could use gold, and the mines were useless. Try to focus on these elements when making a map. The only way to get better is to PRACTICE!
Take your time on a level, the more effort you put into your maps; the better it well be. Experiment with some maps in the editor, you don't have to submit them. Mimic some other well-made maps to see how they did it.
Asthetics (how the map looks) is also very important. If you put on a gleaming map that looks like heaven in the thumbnail, the map will get attention. If it looks like crap, don't expect much. Think of it this way before you submit it, would this map grab my attention?
Keep trying, all great mapmakers get better. Try to take what I said into thought. Take your time. I know you'll make something great. Honestly, this map deserves a two and a half; but I know you're new so I'll bump it up to a 3.5.
(P.S. Fastest completion!!!)
Demo Data




Major yawn
Demo Data


needs gold.
Demo Data