Texas Chainsaw Boogie

Thumbnail of the map 'Texas Chainsaw Boogie'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated t
Created 2009-05-17
Last Modified 2009-05-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I wanted to mix an action map with a race map; here you are.

I'd like to see some paths!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Launching Rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Sheeeeeg' Thumbnail of the map 'Maxed out' Thumbnail of the map 'Evening Crash' Thumbnail of the map 'Delicacy' Thumbnail of the map 'Throwing Fire'
Launching Rockets Sheeeeeg Maxed out Evening Crash Delicacy Throwing Fire


Pages: (0)

cool bap


a better demo incoming for you fine sir
Demo Data

hey i wuold be a modernator is it possible?

sry i don'y know the rules
i've set the comment because he annoying me
5 maps max i build in a day


please, I don't get what you're saying.
seemed like one way paths.


Demo Data


liked it better the first way :P
but probably other people will like it better this way. Who knows.
4/5, it was pretty addicting.

sweet demo

is this considered cheating an AGD?
Demo Data


It seemed too easy, and a bit lifeless to me, so I added a little challenge to it.

Mech/Deja, wanna collab?
Demo Data
i think another rocket may have been better. 3/5
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

Lengthy AGD

didn't beat yours :P
Let it be said, the chaingun is my only complaint
and it's not like it adds nothing good to it, it's just perhaps not the best choice.
Demo Data


You son of a bitch, now my demo doesn't work.


Demo Data

How racey

especially for a playground map like this.

Someone beat this

Demo Data

heres some paths []