Fast Scares

Thumbnail of the map 'Fast Scares'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Zealot_Of_Chaos
Tags author:zealot_of_chaos race rockets unrated
Created 2009-05-14
Last Modified 2009-05-14
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first race.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Warehouse' Thumbnail of the map 'Kamikaze Mission 1: The Eradicator' Thumbnail of the map 'Kamikaze Mission 2: The TerraBlaster' Thumbnail of the map 'Missions Are Impossible' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingun Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Choices'
Warehouse Kamikaze Mission 1: The Eradicator Kamikaze Mission 2: The TerraBlaster Missions Are Impossible Chaingun Challenge Two Choices


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should. u might b good at it.


You should take a look at other races before making your own... but I havn't made a race yet so... ya.

This is the shiz:

Demo Data

fastest agd

this kind of map has been done a lot - even I have made a similar one before, try to be a bit more creative with your races, less repetition if possible.
Demo Data


't was a fun ride
Demo Data

would have been faster
Demo Data


Demo Data

your doing what i used to do...
Demo Data