Side Ways(Incomplete)0.1

Thumbnail of the map 'Side Ways(Incomplete)0.1'

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Author el_umi
Tags author:el_umi rated test
Created 2005-10-29
Last Modified 2006-04-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Map that started with a square and ended up like this. To me this is a nice map. I haven't finished it. just submitting it to see if any of you like it. the first switch is at the door(incase u cant find it.) For now it's easy but when i finish it, it won't be so easy. tell me what you all think about plz. If you think i should make a short series out of this tell me, well after i finish making it. And this one will only be mines nothing else (unless it's a must.)

Other maps by this author

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From N-Art To Action. N-Art 5 Panic Prone Randomness Plastic Man. Patience and Speed.


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wow good map

i like it. gold would help. but it looks like you took alot of time making this map so everything works. i can tell. 4.5


I like it. You have to make a map. Have to.

I would put turrets to make people hate me.