
Thumbnail of the map '1+1=Ninja'

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Author phi1997
Tags author:phi1997 easy fun math unrated
Created 2009-05-11
Last Modified 2009-05-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You DO know a little math, right?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Easyest dda ever' Thumbnail of the map '3 ways to play!' Thumbnail of the map 'But I can't swim!' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumpland' Thumbnail of the map 'Not for mom' Thumbnail of the map 'N raceway'
Easyest dda ever 3 ways to play! But I can't swim! Jumpland Not for mom N raceway


Pages: (0)

Believe it or not, reading that would actually _help_ you, but your pugnacious attitude makes it impossible for us to help you actually improve. Reminds me of middle-schoolers...

Never read that page, you are NOT my teacher.

Oh, and people: If you're going to look at the map, the very least you can do is give it a fair rating. By my count, this map should have at least three ratings by now.


Hear the words of Aarnivalkea! And reread
Demo Data

No hidden enimies, just high falls and trapdoors.

How come

it's impossible? I cleared it without any problems.

You seem to spam maps at a fairly good rate, I suggest you really spend time with a map. A tip: hidden enemies, trap doors that shut you in and "suprise-deaths" are not likeable, avoid them. This map had the middle-ones.


funny xD i thuoght it looked easy but its impossible -.-