Night Air

Thumbnail of the map 'Night Air'

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Author sept
Tags air author:sept night unrated
Created 2009-05-09
Last Modified 2009-05-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description sdsds

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Where With All' Thumbnail of the map 'Come into my house' Thumbnail of the map 'Excuse me, I forgot my name' Thumbnail of the map 'Oxycodone' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh Shi-' Thumbnail of the map 'Typeface'
Where With All Come into my house Excuse me, I forgot my name Oxycodone Oh Shi- Typeface


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great tiles

i also like the gampely i dont no why but thats kinda reassuring...that hypnoting movements of the drones...but it also means its not very thrilling and its realy annoying to make an extra jump for each goldpiece ...hmm though 4/5 because it seems realy great :)

It's difficult.

Strange and collectiony.

I like it

but its totally nuts. Its not anything like most maps are today.