
Thumbnail of the map 'Oddity'

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Tags author:solarion playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-29
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Very hard mine jumper. Resubmitted due to no votes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spin Cycle' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Pasta' Thumbnail of the map 'Sailing Away' Thumbnail of the map 'Repercussions Mark II' Thumbnail of the map 'That Thwumping Feeling'
Spin Cycle Bounce Way Drone Pasta Sailing Away Repercussions Mark II That Thwumping Feeling


Pages: (0)


Unfortunately the difficulty has such a large impact on the enjoyability of the level that I cannot pass the fact that it's extremely hard. I'm not the best mine jumper by far, but dying at every second jump was quite bad. The map lost its fun quickly, and even more so because I've seen how much is left (three quarters almost). I think this should be either toned down or an easier version released.
On the positive side, the level is very precisely made, there is full use of almost every block, so it finally got a 3.5.


2.0 for fun factor, 4.0 for tileset.


too hard, eh?

too hard and long

I got that far
Demo Data


it's the hardest map i've ever made undoubtedly, so please don't rate it down by it being too hard
its too hard.