Areatrigger & GreedyDrone eye glitch

Thumbnail of the map 'Areatrigger & GreedyDrone eye glitch'

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Author MattMaster
Tags areatrigger author:mattmaster dronemod eye greedydrone nreality unrated
Created 2009-05-05
Last Modified 2009-05-05
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is supposed to demonstrate AreaTriggering - and at the same time, I found a GreedyDrone eye glitch.


Go figure.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Deterioration' Thumbnail of the map 'groovy' Thumbnail of the map 'Energy Flow 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Chef's Hat' Thumbnail of the map 'Walls can talk' Thumbnail of the map 'TELEforcefields'
Deterioration groovy Energy Flow 1 Chef's Hat Walls can talk TELEforcefields


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no, it can.

can't you post this on your OWN map?!?


It can't be

plaigarism if I had never seen the original


The time bar phreeks owt* when you hit the drone.

*freaks out
in the nreality area.

Make real non-nreality maps. I'm with kumcatty here.


Could you please make a map that us without NReality can use?

I don't get it

I saw the AreaTrigger glitch and the GreedyDrone glitch, but I don't get of what I will do in this map. Sorry, 2/5.
and the greedydrone was first this time, so it created a glitch.

great, unreality.

well i did this


and it got no eye
just stuff a greedy drone code.

like the trigger
not telling.
-40=-1 sec. -1=-1 f 40=+1 sec.

this value must be an integer.


6^396,300,5,0,141,1^speed (set to 3),chase_speed (set to 5),collect_coin (set to -1000000000)^wait for trigger (set to 1), start triggers (set to 1), stop triggers (set to 1), special on triggers (set to 1), special off trigers (unset)


what has happened to the time bar when hit by the greedy drone?

the gold

is where the areatriggers are.

this is a test level.