
Thumbnail of the map 'L0'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mustardude
Tags author:mustardude unrated
Created 2009-04-28
Last Modified 2009-04-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description MapDraft Rd.2

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heave Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Cult Down in Brasilia' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of the Needle' Thumbnail of the map 'Napkins' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission 1; Generators' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission 2; The Missile'
Heave Rock Cult Down in Brasilia Eye of the Needle Napkins Mission 1; Generators Mission 2; The Missile


Pages: (0)

The rockets

walk that fine line between "Quite innovative" and "Homicide-inducing."
didn't blend.
but it's better than my mapdrafts.
i fail at everything
i hate myself

3 Rockets
3 Locked Doors
10 Mines
1 Floor Guard

Turn on the 'F' gridlines. All sixteen of the larger rectangles must contain at least three tiles or at least one object.

15 'Six' Tiles
15 'Two' Tiles
6 'One' Tiles

Up to 10 Bounce Blocks
2 Rockets
3 Gold
20 'E' Tiles
10 'One' Tiles