tiptoe through the mutations

Thumbnail of the map 'tiptoe through the mutations'

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Author meta_oinka
Tags author:meta_oinka rated thatswhatyougetforyourshenanigans
Created 2009-04-26
Last Modified 2009-04-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description its so fun
wait my arms getting shorter and my fingers are nowhere and i have a lump on my head

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'come hither oh great fire' Thumbnail of the map 'spines have served us for all time' Thumbnail of the map 'and yet we never stop' Thumbnail of the map 'a key or a safe' Thumbnail of the map 'slippery when wet or dry' Thumbnail of the map 'playing with scissors is fun'
come hither oh great fire spines have served us for all time and yet we never stop a key or a safe slippery when wet or dry playing with scissors is fun


Pages: (0)

Its only fair if you see this


This level looks much more fun than it really is. The chainguns and rocket are too much, you should have picked one or the other. Completion is easy, but AGD is way too hard to try more than a few discouraging times. This has potential to be a cool map. 3/5
Demo Data

1st try

lol at description
Demo Data