Deathtrap Cavern

Thumbnail of the map 'Deathtrap Cavern'

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Author Alex777
Tags action author:alex777 cavern hardcore playable underground unrated
Created 2009-04-12
Last Modified 2009-04-12
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You are in a cave doing what ninja do best, collecting gold!!! But be warned. Every room is filled with danger and one wrong move can be your last!!!! So try to survive. And good luck.

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Liked it, it was a fun gold collecting challenge, with only a medium need to dodge gauss.
And the square rooms.
Otherwise, this is OK.

@ chume14

Thanks for the feedback and words of wisdom, I'm still new to this whole map making thing. So i'll keep what you said in mind for my next map.
and you could work a bit on making you tiles more flowy apart from that ok 3.2/5