Oort Cloud

Thumbnail of the map 'Oort Cloud'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author alecslo
Tags author:alecslo rated unrated
Created 2009-04-08
Last Modified 2009-04-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Well, really similar to my asteroid belt one, just without Ganteka's help but same idea. Pretty cool, have fun, fastet agd in 6hrs is a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Falling Bricks' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocky Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract' Thumbnail of the map 'From Dust to Dust' Thumbnail of the map 'Pipe Organ' Thumbnail of the map 'Anarchy Rules'
Falling Bricks Rocky Cavern Abstract From Dust to Dust Pipe Organ Anarchy Rules


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Oort Cloud is the name of a map I've been working on too! Oh well, at least the name Oort Cloud won't be associated with a terrible map (which mine would undoubtedly have been). 4/5

agreed with

solid though


Demo Data

because the doors

out side and inside the map for the chainguns look ugly.
I LOVE the tiles. 4/5

you should some how

have only like 2 chain guns but them moving around in the belt thing.