We're made Powerful

Thumbnail of the map 'We're made Powerful'

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Author Mustardude
Tags author:mustardude bigtrees unrated
Created 2009-03-15
Last Modified 2009-03-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Crater' Thumbnail of the map 'Here is Brussels' Thumbnail of the map 'Zagreb, Croatia' Thumbnail of the map 'End War' Thumbnail of the map 'Colony in Peril' Thumbnail of the map 'Flight 740 is down.'
Crater Here is Brussels Zagreb, Croatia End War Colony in Peril Flight 740 is down.


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This is what .5 gradients are for. There's nothing overtly bad about this map, but nothing particularly good either. So this is really 2.5 down.

Bland tileset and layout, try to be more interesting. The rocket placement is acceptable. The first floorguard is terribly awkward and the whole map is just uninspired.
Demo Data