messy glitch

Thumbnail of the map 'messy glitch'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Thk54
Tags author:thk54 fun glitches unrated
Created 2009-03-13
Last Modified 2009-03-13
Map Data

Description really messy

Other maps by this author

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uber uber uber uber uber uber 2 thump map uber uber uber 3 move with the art uber uber uber 4


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highest frame rate i got was 41


if you were going for the laggiest map ever, you won!!!!


lol beatiful?

I can't tell

if you guys are being sarcastic or not, but honestly, I don't see a point at all to this...

no terry

i'd copy this right now!

the only thing is that it lags

ah beatiful





I have to agree with teraza... this is basically spam...

don't delist.

this map is very innovative, teraza is jealous.

5/5aved. If I was a reviewer I would feature this at first sight! Shame you can't rate :/

no point to this

not fun. no glitches. please delist