
Thumbnail of the map 'Pathmatician'

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Author 79p6
Tags author:79p6 drones path unrated
Created 2009-03-08
Last Modified 2009-03-08
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 2

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Float' Thumbnail of the map 'microorganisms' Thumbnail of the map 'Multi-angle crossfiring drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocky' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed racer' Thumbnail of the map 'Pathmatician'
Float microorganisms Multi-angle crossfiring drones Rocky Speed racer Pathmatician


Pages: (0)

I agree

with ATOB. Nice idea with the drones tho - could do with more gold and a bigger challenge in the middle - a rocket or gauss perhaps?
And there's a good reason why. Someone who has to beg for a review doesn't put across the image I want to see more of in NUMA.

If you develop your mapping with the resources here, amongst others, then you might get to the point where I'll feature you out of choice. But not now. []

This is

nowhere near feature worthy.

Stop begging and keep trying.