
Thumbnail of the map 'Chime'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author wellsj
Tags author:wellsj playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-22
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description this map is a lot like my map cold hard thwump. or this is where i got the idea from. i personally think its really fun. its suitable for speed runs and all gold demos! its also a bit easier than the last one.

please play, comment, leave demos, rate, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Internal' Thumbnail of the map 'Internal 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Current' Thumbnail of the map 'Hanging Gardens' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Hard Thwump' Thumbnail of the map 'Halibut'
Internal Internal 2 Current Hanging Gardens Cold Hard Thwump Halibut


Pages: (0)

this is great, 5/5. you are my god!
Demo Data


rated this down without commenting?

5 / 5

Brilliant map, and not ridiculously hard.

GAH...almost 500

by 1 frame!
Great map...It kept me going, and made me angry... :-)
Demo Data


5/5. I simply love your maps. Well done, keep it up


Lots of fun, and tons of routes. Reminds me of my "Collapsable"
Demo Data

How about

under 500?


Under 700 would be pretty good
Demo Data


Demo Data


see if you can complete it in under 1000 frames. its definately possible..
Demo Data

I think this is

This looked soooo pro too
Demo Data
so i deleted a lot. im not deleting anymore though.

Hey buddy

rated your maps! Thought they were great. Hope this makes you number one again. :-)

Ps. What happened to all your old maps?
this is my best route. can you find a better one?
Demo Data