
Thumbnail of the map 'that'

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Author apse
Tags action author:apse playable rated
Created 2009-03-01
Last Modified 2009-03-01
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description a jumper/laser/other stuff type of map.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'les yeux' Thumbnail of the map 'cheveux' Thumbnail of the map 'given' Thumbnail of the map 'detour' Thumbnail of the map 'owner' Thumbnail of the map 'glazed'
les yeux cheveux given detour owner glazed


random question

how do you pronounce your username? also, where did you come up with it?


Demo Data


no rush
but I'm bored and wondering what to do

hows it going

you gonna be done by tonight?
and whoa

I know

but I need a definite answer


is that a yes or no?
*WARNING: selfish overt blatant advertising ahead*

lets make up for it

with a nice hearty kO-lab
you make tiles?


I'm just kidding around
what I was saying is I'm just commenting on the map, and that its different
thats all

yes he does mind

and wants no part in your hero worship.

Hey Apse

I want to make a series where each map is a kind of tribute to a different mapmaker. Would you mind if you're one of them?


doo dad in the hoop loop
Loved it a lot,everything was cool,especially the lazer.5aved.

black sheep.

I liked the laser

but not the tilesets

in retrospect

a chaingun is better.

thanks for the advice/comments people.

Laser is too easy to dodge. Definitely not the type of enemy you should have used. But the jumper-ness and layout is pretty good.



ah ok. that explains it.
but there's not really any need to be afraid.

It feels forced and one pathed. I replaced the laser with a chaingun and liked it a whole lot better. This is a 3.5, rounded down
look at the last comment of

comments exist

to confuse.

well i liked it.

so there. >(


think if there were any more lasers, the map wouldn't be as good. It doesn't matter whether they are moving enemies or not, the mines pose more of a threat than the laser anyway, and thus IMO are more deserving of the title "enemies" in this map.


why does it matter if it is easy?
i had three lasers, but i thought that with all the mines around the place, it would be too intense for my liking. so i kept it down to 1, and it worked allright for me.

thanks for handling things ska.

Only one

moving enemy.


it's not featured... yet.

Only one enemy?

what are the mines supposed to be then? ;)

I dont

know why this is featured.
There was only one enemy, and that being out of sight for most of the time made it a bit too easy. Sorry, but 3.5.


oviously, this is going to be one of those take it or leave it maps, either way; you're drawing attention to yourself :P


mixed/confused opinions.


I didn't mean the laser was well placed, I meant the laser felt absent at times, and the rest of the map was fairly well executed. /confusion.

Agreed with GTM

The laser was quite well placed, enough to make even the first switch hard to speedrun.
The overall scorez, 4/5.
Just a really annoying map.

glad you like it



im speechless at how amazing this map is. it is one of the best tilesets ive seen for ages, the laser is brilliantly placed to get you kiilled a few times, but not enough to stop you playing the map in frustration. the mine placement made more routes open for trial... and error... and i am loving the gold placement. 5aved.
I'd rate this 4.5 under the old system.


thanks gtm.