Adelaide Women's Prison

Thumbnail of the map 'Adelaide Women's Prison'

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Tags author:palemoon unrated
Created 2009-02-18
Last Modified 2009-02-18
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description remember nova prospekt?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Head-On Battleship Collision' Thumbnail of the map 'Def. Prof.' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Court' Thumbnail of the map 'dakrstarta' Thumbnail of the map 'LOCK LOCK' Thumbnail of the map 'Esk'a'
Head-On Battleship Collision Def. Prof. Night Court dakrstarta LOCK LOCK Esk'a


Pages: (0)

Just random'd this

I don't know what frogs and maximo were smoking. This map is fun.

I liked this

i don't see what everyone hates about it ;.;

very poorly constructed


i love the map,it almost relates to it

half life

is a video game with nova prospeckt as a level in it


palemoon has probably played half-life 2.
And I have too.
Yay for palemoon,I have something related to him.
If i sound like I'm spewing out complete gibberish,disregard this post


great map! very fun, I like all the enemy placements, tiles are pretty good, I really liked the inside/outside gameplay you had, great work!
Demo Data


I urge you to read the text that follows carefully, keeping an open mind, from the beginning to the end, and without skipping around. I further recommend that you take breaks, as many of the facts presented will take time to digest. If I thought that PALEMOON's memoranda had even a snowball's chance in Hell of doing anything good for anyone, then I wouldn't be so critical. As they stand, however, I can conclude only that PALEMOON wants to commit acts of immorality, dishonesty, and treason. It gets better: He believes that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. I guess no one's ever told him that there is a simple answer to the question of what to do about his demands. The difficult part is in implementing the answer. The answer is that we must treat the blows of circumstance.


PALEMOON has never gotten ahead because of his hard work or innovative ideas. Rather, all of PALEMOON's successes are due to kickbacks, bribes, black market double-dealing, outright thuggery, and unsavory political intrigue. His older hatchet jobs were goofy enough. His latest ones are indeed beyond the pale. PALEMOON must think that being unprincipled entitles one to sugarcoat the past and dispense false optimism for the future. I guess what I really mean to say is that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to criticize the obvious incongruities presented by him and his allies. And just let him try and stop me. Now that this letter has come to an end, let me remind you that it was intended to provide an accurate, even-handed, and balanced discussion of PALEMOON and his ideologies. Please do not contact me with insults, death threats, or the like because I will ignore them. If you disagree with my arguments or can provide further information about PALEMOON, please contact me and I will endeavor to make any necessary corrections to this letter.


Time to judge paradigm shift.


I don't like any part of this map. It's amateurish, it's unpolished, it has a horrid difficulty curve, it has no semblance of flow or rhythm I just don't like any part of it. Now if nova prospekt is some old map making project and this is a throwback map maybe I can live with it. But if this is an honest submission from a map maker who's been around long enough to know what's what, it's atrocious.