Good Night

Thumbnail of the map 'Good Night'

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Author whitey95
Tags author:whitey95 goodnight rated
Created 2009-02-11
Last Modified 2009-02-11
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Good Night indeed. You know who it is; permanent ban, self-satired dickhead. Yes, it's me. Now, I'm not here so that you can let me send out two maps (I was actually trying to be nice) and then be banned, permanently. And I'm not here to do that "Sorry, changed" stuff either. Infact, I'm not even going to stay here at all; I'm currently addicted to the ps3 and my music. No, I'm here to make a (hopefully) enjoyable map for you all just to say sorry. Seriously, I've gotten over my immaturity since I was nearly ran over, which has shaken me up. Funnily enough, that was last month.

So feel free to ban me, flame me, hate me, whatever. I don't care; I've made my apology and that's off my conscience.



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how many are you going to make?
they were good. you seem more mature. don't ban him, well just yet.


you're back, and you've already flamed one of my maps. excellent! let's do this.

Great map

Just a little too hard for me.
4/5 ^^

To the forums!


welcome back

please enjoy your stay here

o OK before

my time like many things I still don't see how maxson guessed that but there is probably some inside knowledge I lack =)

Hey GTM.

How's it going?

Glad to see you again Sire. Cool map btw; hope you get on with everything you want to achieve.

i give this

a 4. love the tiles.
and the thwumps.

will get a demo soon.



umm... I'll be quiet now :D


he delisted maps *smacks self on forehead*

and thats a pretty silly thing to doo...


Glad you like it.
But I finally got it anyway (and died shortly afterward). Oh well; I just came back to life to play the rest. I like how the map gets harder as it goes on; it helps the parts mesh together even though there are different enemies throughout the map. It looks great too; 4/5
Demo Data

Erm, wrong one.

This one []


lol at below.

but this is a nice map.
you made some good maps.



why were you disabled?

only 1 map...

was it for swearing or something?

Good map btw, i like good things :)

Try this

Demo Data

I have been

I'm still trying to get past the drone section (the thwumps keep trapping me)

Oh okay.

Well technically I never left, I was banned. Most amusing.
I think I had only been here for two weeks when you left.

And emmm.

I don't know or remember you.



The name still makes me laugh because of the stupidity.


Ask some of the older members from last year, they'll know.

And incase they don't well, that's too bad.
description is on about I'd be surprised if anyone does. However this map (excluding the mine which killed me in this demo that just destroys the flow) is really good I hope you get over whatever problem it is thats troubling you (its hard to tell) and make some more 4.2/5 =)
Demo Data