Knock Knock

Thumbnail of the map 'Knock Knock'

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Author n1nj4turtl3
Tags author:n1nj4turtl3 knock unrated
Created 2009-02-07
Last Modified 2009-02-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Who's there?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Funny Games' Thumbnail of the map 'Despair' Thumbnail of the map 'Impossible?' Thumbnail of the map 'Five' Thumbnail of the map 'Hope you're not  claustrophobic' Thumbnail of the map '3 Doors Down'
Funny Games Despair Impossible? Five Hope you're not claustrophobic 3 Doors Down


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I copied and pasted the level data into the box and then <space> and pasted your demo data in there and clicked Watch Replay and nothing happens. =/

pitifuly slow

but 3rd try tho
Demo Data
go to userlevel and put the level data in the box then the demo data after that


I have tried pretty much everything but still don't understand how to do the demo stuff. I load the level in the Level Data box and put your demo data in the demo data box and hit Q for begin demo playback but nothing happens. Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong.

I haz hax

Demo Data