The Good Old Hockey Game

Thumbnail of the map 'The Good Old Hockey Game'

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Author MattyMc13
Tags author:mattymc13 flow fun hard n-art rated sports
Created 2009-02-01
Last Modified 2009-02-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This map is inspired Xaiier for his sports maps. You must hit all the switches to open the ice, the get the puck out of the ice for the next team, the head to the bench and get off the ice. I did have gauss turrets at each of the circles except for center ice, but that just made it way too hard.
Please RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken Fried Rice' Thumbnail of the map 'Sharp and flow' Thumbnail of the map 'Exploding Discs' Thumbnail of the map 'Ill Sanity'
Chicken Fried Rice Sharp and flow Exploding Discs Ill Sanity


Pages: (0)



  • Tileset = 4 for art/5
  • Gameplay = 4/5
  • Gold = 3/5
  • Difficult/Fun = 3/5

  • Vote = 3.5/5

Concept = +

really like the map. but i think it's too dispersive. but loving

This looked ugly,

but was actually really fun to play. 3.5 up.

I see

you have made some new maps.

this is bad good!

go to this site [] for games, fun, wired, odditys, stupidity, cusses, and more wired.

now for the map.

the rate is... erm... um...
umm... ummmmmmmmmm...


  • 4.2
  • 4.6
  • 4.9384924734839***3749837598***98247598230***82937489203749823748263754723894571389047511111111100026452365841763***289174128749817284198246798132745713658716482647126498173547936473712***726852765276246572726484841874874871521004021209811816516206032163158540510555141806511051400450052102260650501251420112243215005205430543526603462326261160313469446036306749798878712078507085002750020012225025110120140107420110052520765081651620603216315852454642610142246662626662624274567895648753248785288978487437843589398329823893478457863458347863467545748398343493498438756487349832092092092109210920983487437845567257647, rounded up to 5.

    so, I also see your profile.
    you like me because I'm a rug? Cuie Boopsie!


  • Wow

    This map was cool. 4/5
    N art that is playable! Sweet