Criminal Kill

Thumbnail of the map 'Criminal Kill'

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Author Slick265
Tags action author:slick265 medium unrated
Created 2009-01-30
Last Modified 2009-01-30
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Since This is My 100th Map I Did Every Thing At my Best.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cutting' Thumbnail of the map 'JunkYard' Thumbnail of the map 'SwitchBack' Thumbnail of the map 'Land Slide' Thumbnail of the map 'Hill Jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'Sharp'
Cutting JunkYard SwitchBack Land Slide Hill Jumper Sharp


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My argument is

there's no way he could have made this particular map better for at what it is any change to it which didn't massively change what the entire point and theming of the map was I can't think of any changes that wouldn't have made it worse imo. However I have seen better and more original maps than this not by and long way but a little bit similarly I've seen maps which were exceptional but not quite as good as this and given them 4.7. I like to distinguish between different levels of brilliance I can't think of a map I've given 5.0 though since I started doing decimal points I saving it for something life changing this is one of the closest though maybe it deserved 4.9

oh yeah

chume14, 4.8/5 is not faultless (?????????)
my total 5/5 rating is (LOL)
i want a 100th like this. but i dont make mini's
but this is a good map otherwise. 4/5
and the best mini map I've seen in a long time 4.8/5. Faultless
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