Two Face

Thumbnail of the map 'Two Face'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BRUCE_888
Tags action author:bruce_888 playable unrated
Created 2009-01-26
Last Modified 2009-01-26
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description GOLD-MINES

Other maps by this author

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TRUXX Enough Time


Pages: (0)

it makes keninja want to hurt himself

AND do not z-snap gold or mines without good cause, it looks and feels messy

the level was...

imposible, messy, and looked like you put NO effort in it. 0/5 is the best I can give.


okay, things to remember, when you make a map, you add things to support the map, not to ruin the map and annoy the player. also, if you can't beat your own level, don't post it. and lastly, don't put too much of anything on a map.
A basic rule to follow: if you don't think it could fit into the game, then don't submit it.

Your spam map

makes me want to hurt myself. Not rated.