
Thumbnail of the map 'Tea-Break!'

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Author Snip3_Th3_Shams
Tags author:snip3_th3_shams easy fun race unrated
Created 2009-01-26
Last Modified 2009-01-26
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Done In 1 minute!


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to make drones stand still and stop moving without the use of doors, just go to the drone code and delete the last number, replacing it with NaN.
for example, a laser drone code would look like this:
so i just change it to make it look like this
there, it wont move!


The lasers are a bit delayed but mabye putting more in will fix it!

It's good

for a 1 minute map. 3/5
Demo Data

very nice

I actually liked this one alot, great enemy placement. it all worked very well, but I'm not too sure about the trapdoors and the lasers have a sort of late reaction, but I really liked the gauss rocket thing.