
Thumbnail of the map 'Joga'

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Author Wind
Tags action author:wind playable rated
Created 2005-10-15
Last Modified 2005-10-15
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Here's a free-style map where you can either just plainly get to the exit, or get as much gold as you can. Enjoy. Also, sorry for the strange gold placement. I'm still trying to find a good placement scheme.

Other maps by this author

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Claustrophobic Prepulsion world police and friendly fire The Drones That Stole My Apartment


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Glad you enjoyed it. Man, maps are barely getting rated nowadays..

really fun map.

i cant win though. all i can do is make pointless demos like this. i dont know why i sent this one in. i played this a bunch of times but i cant win because i get too tempted for all gold or just to run around. very fun
Demo Data