Comments on "Choose your destiny..."

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One of the questions is about being clean. I am so tempted to put "Wash your hands after using your destiny"
XD ha ah
He is jealous and ashamed, which is why he immediately targets the ninja. Common sense, you guys!
hhhheeee haaaa haaaarrrr gaaaaahhhhhh mmmmaahhh baa ha hhhaaah hhhaa
the enemies are jealous of his destiny


the link doesnt work

From wikipedia

The desticles are a part of your destiny that join with the future to make goals. The desticles make the challenge.

The desticles

are merely a portion of the destipackage. It is the destiny itself that makes it complete.






Your destiny IS the meaning of life
said the word desticles. XD

Too bad maxson

My destiny is already the size of the meaning of life
I just multiplied your destiny by a factor of 42 =D



Want a new pair of challenges? Can't afford the surgery? Well get the new challenge strap,that increases challenge difficulty by 3!

It's the complete

now. THANKS!!!! >:O
Pretty soon all my ribs are going to break from all the uncontrollable laughter.


Want a bigger pair of fortunes

@ meatpuppet



From now on I will address every comment with this as a title, so that I will never forget this awesome day
"insert word here that relates to the word destiny and boobs"
seen on Numa. XD
Now I'm gonna be talking about my destiny all the time.
Yet another inside joke formed on Numa.

laughing out loud

rolling on floor laughing absolutely awesome. Though my future may not be big enough for your enlarged destiny, i might need an enlargement
We will give you a full money back garuntee, but wait heres an even better deal if you call now we will give you 2 enlargements for the price of one, so even your friend can have an enlarged destiny. Just call 0800 4ADESTINY

That time

I literally rofl'd

I faved this map

just for the comments
called "Let's put my destiny in your future and make goals"

literal lol

oh best day ever!!!