The Blazing Sun

Thumbnail of the map 'The Blazing Sun'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Pantheon
Tags author:pantheon destiny fun pantheon race rated riobe
Created 2009-01-13
Last Modified 2009-01-13
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description First collab between _destiny^- and Riobe. We worked hard on it, so enjoy!


Other maps by this author

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Dwelling Lifeless Fork in the Road Log and Cliff


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This map was genuinely different and original as well as being a well constructed race. That's a pretty much guaranteed 5 from me. :)

Fastest ever AGD

Demo Data


Demo Data

fastest :D

much fun. 4.
Demo Data

that was fun. wow. love wide open stuff.
Demo Data


i don't usually like wide open races. but this one was fun. i liked the atmosphere, although it could have been better. didn't like the ending jump. nice concept! 4/5


just realized that my demo is moot. i took out the lazers while playing it because i got frustrated with them. suffice to say i like it better without them


this is what i like. some originality for a change
Demo Data

very fun race

I really liked it and it wasn't too hard. loved the tileset and lasers, great work! 5/5. Lol at destiny' demo.


just skimmed the bottom of the exit ;_;
Demo Data