
Thumbnail of the map 'Plasmic'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven unrated
Created 2009-01-06
Last Modified 2009-01-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description woah

Other maps by this author

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oh my gauss! but I'm down here and it's up there tunnels jumpity jump mount the graves easy


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Oh yeah

The launchpads were perfectly placed, I noticed what to do immediately, so it wasn't really a problem, but I see what ganteka meant, truly deserving a 5/5
Oh and can you check out my recent map?


gauss didn't do much, launchpads were awesome though

Really fun!

for small maps like these, tilesets look really good, so I'm not going to judge on that. Gameplay was top notch, I've never been so annoyed by a gauss. another 5/5, great work.