
Thumbnail of the map 'Docudrama'

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Author 47percent
Tags author:47percent dda rated
Created 2005-10-10
Last Modified 2005-10-10
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description My submission to coldcut\'s DDA challenge. Cheers.

Coldcut's DDA Challenge:

Other maps by this author

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The Eleventh Point FenceDent The Eleventh Point II


Pages: (0)


a 4/5 for this??? wht... i dont really like it wht coldcut said except for the teleporter part

ill give u a 5 to compensate for that !@#$
I dunno if egghead4 is serious; I haven't seen a steep decline in my maps' ratings. Coldcut, when did you say you wanted a slow DDA? Also, in your description you said you wanted length. I can accept the fact that you don't like teleporters, but you should have said so in the description. And as for the lack of close calls, I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


if egghead is being serious I think this should be brought to arachnids attention


i dont like teleporters. not enough close calls. i said i wanted a slow dda. not a fast one. also lengthy. im not very impressed


get a 0 i hate u 47 percent u gave me a 2


Hooray for snipers.



That's pro. Awesome. Amazing. 5/5.