Yet Another Boring Thwump DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Yet Another Boring Thwump DDA'

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Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw dda rated
Created 2005-10-10
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Wow, this is the LONGEST thwump DDA I've ever seen. Timed at 1 minute and 29.03 seconds, this is one of my greatest creations yet. It will surely rival 'Nine Chambers' for its position on the top rated DDA list. I really love this thing, and if you don't, all that time I refused my father's pleas to do my chores will be for naught, but I'm sure you will. Rate, comment, and enjoy!
Userlvls.txt friendly
Build time: 5 hr. 45 min.

Other maps by this author

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lots of stuff goin on here, nice


i dont know what these people are talking about. i thought it was brilliant. its a 4.5 map but i give it a 5 to averege out other people's low ratings. nice job

I quote you:

It will surely rival 'Nine Chambers' for its position on the top rated DDA list.


S'alright. It was getting good there for a minute, but as you say: boring.

nevermore is right. You're kind of arrogant, and it really wasn't all that great.

However, it was well done.


S'alright. It was getting good there for a minute, but as you say: boring.

nevermore is right. You're kind of arrogant, and it really wasn't all that great.


It was great. Not my favorite thwump DDA though. It had some great moments.



What do you mean?

My, my

You are an arrogant one, aren't you?