
Thumbnail of the map 'DroneScanner'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lord_day
Tags author:lord_day clues drone layers puzzle rated scanner
Created 2008-12-23
Last Modified 2008-12-23
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description All clues are contained in the map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cyber Baitment' Thumbnail of the map 'Dronies.  Vote Now!' Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Issues' Thumbnail of the map 'Ultimate Dualis' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninjo Bots - 'Attack!'' Thumbnail of the map 'Owl Three'
Cyber Baitment Dronies. Vote Now! Underground Issues Ultimate Dualis Ninjo Bots - 'Attack!' Owl Three


Great innovation

I'm always a sucker for these maps. 4/5

Holy shit,

that is an amazing idea!!!
Beautiful innovation, lord_day!



5/5 faved...
Demo Data
but was doing it all wrong. I tried to have them chase me up into the top area and move across bounce blocks to find the real one, that took a while. Then I tried running them over the switches and that didnt work.

Couldnt figure it out and had to watch Riobes demo. But it was an awesome idea and map. Greatjob.


that is really neat


Loved it from the first time you showed it to me, and I now prefer it this way than from two normal drones hovering over the gold.

Oh, I see it now.

That is really clever. Ha ha, I feel pretty dumb now. >.<

That is clever.


No toasters.

You still aren't getting it. When the drone goes across the gold, have a look at it.

oh wow

that's cool.
If I'm understanding how you picked the key, it seems to indicate a leap of logic that can't be found other than through trial and error.
And I still don't get how I was supposed to know not to do this:
Demo Data

Come on!

Watch the demo again.
See that switch above it? Press it.
How did that key get spotlighted by the drone? It seemed to point out an entirely different one to me.

Oh yeah,

I get it. Too lazy to post another demo though. =P
Watch the drone I lure down closely, and see how I choose the key I do.
Demo Data

I don't get it.

What differentiates right from left in this?
But the main idea is right.
Play the demo, look at what I do, and what the drone does closely, and then look at it in NED with the "switch to trigger" lines on.
Demo Data

lol i

started on the left switchs and opened them and jst kept going one by one.

Go for it Riobe.

I'm glad someone figured it out.


do you have any idea how cool this looks inverted?

Effin clever man.

It took a while for me to figure it out, but that was smart.


Did you work out the clues, or just play by guess work?

Lil Faster

idk its alright
Demo Data

This is bugging me.

Everything is symmetrical.
You don't need to press R or guess or use NED to find out the correct exit.


was my like 20th try i went one by one lol
Demo Data


LD, R brings up the exit door/key lines, not mines. IT LOOKS LIKE A CROWN!
I never cheated.





Oh, stupid me. Nevermind.
But, I paid close attention when it loaded, and found out the door!
Demo Data


demo 5/5
Demo Data
GOT IT! Press R.
This map is in the shape of your avatar!
A crown!
I can't believe I guess it and got it. That AGD was my second try >.<

Demo Data

good question

and i don't like the gold.